
Asset Information

This platform will assist you to measure and maintain your assets efficiently.

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The primary asset of any business is its organization.

William Feather

All assets information will store here. Assets disposal and maintenance can be handled effortlessly.

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Keep Track of Your Assets, Tools, and Equipment

comprehensive visibility to monitor the dimensions of vital assets. You may streamline an asset's complete life cycle, from acquisition to disposal, with its plug-and-play capability

  • Quick and easy asset acquisition
  • Monitor your assets' maintenance and servicing
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A simple method for managing installation, warranty, and insurance

Record information about the standard and extended warranties for your assets, and set up a reminder for when your warranties expire. capturing insurance information to automatically notify you of renewal. A simple method for tracking the installation of assets.

  • Physical verification of your assets using mobile QR code scanning
  • Tag damaged items during verification, producing verification reports, and reporting missing assets
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Let's see what Yotta SME can do for your business.

Yotta SME has all the right management tools in order to ensure your business growth.